Embed a publication on your existing webpage, blog, or wordpress

This guide will show you how to embed a publication into your existing webpage. Before embedding, please upload the publication to your website firstly.

Step 1. Upload the publication

After creating the publication, please upload it to a website. The following tutorial will show you how to upload.

How to upload a publication to your website?

Once you upload it, you will get a URL/link to the publication. For example, I get the following URL after uploading. http://epagecreator.net/demo/pro


Step 2. Copy & paste embed code

Copy & paste the following embed code to your webpage, blog or wordpress. Then replace the URL/link with your own link. Of course, the width and height should be changed as well to fit your webpage.

<iframe src='http://epagecreator.net/demo/pro' width='500' height='380' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>

Here is an example of embedding a flipbook on webpage.


Here is an example embedding a flipbook on blog.


More example:

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